Search Results

House Plan Results

1302 Heated SqFt
51'2 W x 37'2 D
Beds: 3 - Bath: 2
1412 Heated SqFt
24'0 W x 40'0" D
Beds: 3 - Baths: 2.5
1406 Heated SqFt
23'10 W x 38'10 D
Beds: 3 - Baths: 2.5
1251 Heated SqFt
27'0 W x 45'0 D
Beds: 3 - Baths: 2.5
1272 Heated SqFt
36' W x 39'6 D
Beds: 3 - Bath: 2
1272 Heated SqFt
36' W x 39'6 D
Beds: 3 - Bath: 2
1369 Heated SqFt
26'0 W x 38'0 D
Beds: 3 - Baths: 2.5
1348 Heated SqFt
45'11 W x 34' D
Beds: 3 - Bath: 2
1348 Heated SqFt
45'11 W x 34' D
Beds: 3 - Bath: 2
1426 Heated SqFt
40' W x 38' D
Beds: 3 - Bath: 2
1465 Heated SqFt
40'0 W x 25'0 D
Beds: 3 - Baths: 2.5
1465 Heated SqFt
40'0 W x 25'0 D
Beds: 3 - Baths: 2.5
1360 Heated SqFt
29' W x 40' D
Beds: 3 - Bath: 2
1408 Heated SqFt
62' W x 40' D
Beds: 2 - Bath: 2
1487 Heated SqFt
34'0 W x 42'0 D
Beds: 3 - Baths: 2.5
1279 Heated SqFt
32' W x 40' D
Beds: 3 - Bath: 2
1300 Heated SqFt
25'8” W x 59'0 D
Beds: 3 - Bath: 2
1347 Heated SqFt
22'9.5" W x 60'1.5" D
Beds: 3 - Bath: 2
1354 Heated SqFt
35' W x 31' D
Beds: 3 - Baths: 2.5
1354 Heated SqFt
35' W x 31' D
Beds: 3 - Baths: 2.5

Our Low Price Guarantee

If you find the exact same plan featured on a competitor's web site at a lower price, advertised OR special SALE price, we will beat the competitor's price by 5% of the total, not just 5% of the difference! To take advantage of our guarantee, please call us at 800-482-0464 or email us the website and plan number when you are ready to order. Our guarantee extends up to 4 weeks after your purchase, so you know you can buy now with confidence.

: 800-482-0464

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